It seems a type of social shame has developed around the glory of winning. The “aw shucks” form of fake humility, and the concept that “everyone is a winner”, is quite in vogue.
The harsh reality is that not everyone wins. Remember the phrases “The Thrill of Victory, and the Agony of Defeat”? Sometimes we lose. We don’t attain the goal. We don’t win the prize. And there is an appropriate sorrow and sadness associated with falling short of victory. The pain of losing can be a great lesson to help us go on to win, but it does not feel good.
There is great celebration when a gold medalist receives their reward. They have worked hard, sacrificed, and focused on winning the prize. Their toil and labor has paid off.
There is a classy way to win as well. The true winner demonstrates humility in the way they accept the applause. A true champion realizes they have had help and support in their quest for victory. And though they recognize the support, there is personal joy that comes from working hard, persevering and receiving the reward.
I am a coach. My passion is to help people win. I believe that deep in every human soul, there is the desire to win. Do you want to win? The first step is to wake up and admit where you are not winning. What’s missing? What must change? Are you willing to take a close and honest look, create the plan, and then choose to change direction? You can win. It takes focus, discipline, desire, and a commitment to sustained action. You have a desired outcome that you would love to have. Consider what must you do, and more importantly, who must you be, to produce that outcome?
If you want to win, consider recruiting a coach to help you and make sure that you get there. If you’re curious about how coaching might help you win, let’s talk………now!!