Are you waiting for your prince to come? Are you hoping that some good luck or fortune will come upon you and turn around your struggles and sadness? Are you full of hope and longing for the day when your troubles will melt away and all will be well? Maybe you believe in the law of attraction! Then I have a couple of words especially for you ---- WAKE UP! THERE IS NO PRINCE COMING!
You are asleep, deluded and must awaken to the harsh reality that you will reap what you are sowing. The same actions will continue to produce the same results, and without focused effort and intention, the world deteriorates, decays, and falls apart. You are not growing younger. Things will not be easier when… So smile! This is the good news you need, because YOU can do something about it. But first you must wake from the lethargy and denial of false hope and entitlement. You must face the truth that your life and business is not going to get better on its own. You must take ownership.
Choose is the operative word. Choose another path. Choose another habit. Choose to plan and act and do what you can. And you can do much more than you think you can. You can physically move more every day. You can drink another glass of water. You can smile. You can have that necessary conversation. You can send a card of encouragement. You can create a budget and stick to it. You can raise prices. You can change jobs. You can lose ten pounds. You can enroll in a class, read a book, shut your mouth and listen, a say a kind word. You can hire a coach, listen to an audio program, and you can go to bed a little earlier (turn off the TV).
Recognize that things in your life will improve when you choose to improve. And it doesn’t have to be a chore. That is a choice as well. Choose happiness. Choose peace. Choose joy. Choose action. Choose life. You’re not a victim. You’re not Snow White. And there is no prince coming!