John Wooden, famous coach said it well…Make each day your masterpiece. You, my friend, have been given a beautiful gift; another day of life. Life is precious. Life is fragile. Life is valuable. And the fact is that TIME is LIFE.
So you are reading this article, and before you is yet another day. What are you going to do with it? What are you going to create? Dare not squander it. Dare not waste it. Use it to the fullest. Extract the value of every second. Make it a magnificent, amazing, life changing day.
Flowery language? Coach talk? Maybe!!! But so much more. If you will choose to look at today, this very day that you are reading this message, as a gift, as a blank canvas, as a piece of unmolded clay, as a bird ready to take flight, as a curious toddler ready to explore, as a storm cloud ready to burst, as a pot ready to boil……you will feel the potential, the tension, the excitement, the possibility, and as you do……………then…………..go for it and make today amazing.
Go and find the treasure. Go and create the value. Do it for yourself. Do it for someone else. Go smile. Go give. Go brighten someone’s day. A kind word. A listening ear. A caring soul. An encouraging card. A small gift. You have all that within you. Take out the brushes and the paint. Put on your best outfit. Fire up the creative juices. Turn the key. And make today, this very day, your masterpiece. All you have is now. The future is not here. The past is gone. Live today to the fullest, and make it special and wonderful and amazing. So what will you create today?