As a human being, you are distinct from the rest of creation. You have the power to envision your future, create a plan, and then choose to act. It is a privilege, and responsibility.
You have the capacity to see the end in your mind before you begin.
Given this capacity to envision the future, create a plan and choose your actions, consider this simple yet powerful reality. You can choose a path that leads to a destination you want and refuse to drift down a default path that leads to mediocrity and regret. Here are the three simple steps again:
#1 Visualize a new destination in your mind. Create it. See it. Savor it. Feel it. Embrace it.
#2 Once you see it clearly, create the plan and pathway that leads to that destination.
#3 Finally, and most importantly without delay, take the very first step on that newly created path.
Sometimes you can only see the next step. Take that step, look around, then take another step. As you move toward your destination the path will become even clearer.
The only barrier to reaching that destination is your refusal to take the next step.
Envision it. Create the plan. Then act.