Here they are. 1. What’s happening? 2. What’s missing? 3. What’s next?
I could end the article here, and you would have all you need to profoundly change your life and business. Failure is a result of losing focus and stalling. Mistakes are not failure; they just teach you how to course correct. It is your choice to continue in useless activity or just quit that creates failure. So if you are stalled or stuck, ask these three simple questions, answer them, and then get moving forward today.
Ask each question, one at a time, and then sit with each one until you have an authentic answer. Allow all busyness to cease and all dust to settle. Simply allow the answers to come from within.
QUESTION 1: What’s happening? Really consider what is actually happening, not your interpretation or reaction to what is happening. Just the facts. No explanations. No reasons. No excuses. No story. No drama. Observe, appreciate and embrace objective reality. Write out your answer. State the obvious. Get a coach to help you get crystal clear on what actually happened and exactly where you are. Clarity on what is actually happening is the goal.
QUESTION 2: What’s missing? Based on your desired results, determine what is missing that is keeping you from those results. You may lack a resource, a piece of information, or the energy and desire. Fill in these blanks: If I had ___________ then I could complete this project and successfully reach my goal. I have everything I need to get this done except for _________________. If I would just do _________, then this project would move forward. You will discover that often the only thing missing is a true commitment to the project.
QUESTION 3: What’s next? Once you clearly understand what’s happening, and see clearly what’s missing, the ask what’s next. What next action step must you take to move forward? Then take that step. CLARITY + ACTION = RESULTS.