
What you believe affects what you think.
· What you think affects how you feel.
· How you feel affects what you do.
· What you do affects what you have.
I want you to THINK about those statements. What are the implications for your life if those statements are true?
Here is another observation. I have noticed that people get really defensive when their familiar thoughts and beliefs are challenged or questioned. It is uncomfortable, sometimes even painful.
Why do you stay where you are and change very slowly? Why is this week very much like last week, and last week like the week before it? Why does this year look like last year? Same problems. Same feelings. Same disappointments. Same customers. Same income. Same attitude. Could it be same thoughts, same beliefs?
Will you be curious today? Ask yourself another question. Think of the possibilities. What if your life could substantially change? What if it could actually happen to you? Who else might you be able to serve? How much income could be created? How many people will be helped? What if they say yes to your offer? What would you attempt to do if you believed it just might just happen?
What if? What if you are enough? What if you embrace confidence and go for it? What if the only thing holding you back was a simple shift of thinking, and you shift?
Today is the day. Right now, choose an action that will create an exciting outcome. Who might you call? What e-mail will you send? What meeting could you request? What questions will you ask? Have fun. Be young at heart. Take a risk. Create some excitement for yourself and someone else. Today. Right now! Choose to believe something new, think about it, feel the excitement and anticipation, commit and then take ACTION!!!