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Dave Beam

The Power of Your Words

Picture a toddler with a loaded handgun?  It is scary to consider the damage a small child could do with such a weapon.  Yet every day there are immature adults who irresponsibly shoot off their mouth and wreak havoc and destruction.  Your words are powerful. 


      You possess the power to build or destroy with words.  All criticism is destructive.  Critical thinking is a great tool for attacking, dismantling, and solving problems.  Critical speech directed at another person attacks and dismantles that person.  That little jab or sarcastic remark can cut deep.  Whenever you talk about other people, you are either building their reputation or trashing it.  Really listen to the words you speak today.  Are you helping or hurting?


     You can also use your tongue to bring life and encouragement to others.  Through good questions, you can help clarify thoughts and circumstances and thus improve the quality of life.  Your small tongue can lift a heavy burden with a word of encouragement.  Words inspire.  Words motivate.  Words create thought.  Thought drives action and feeling.  The words you use define the world you see.  The appropriate word at the right time can change the direction of someone’s life!  You can speak truth and debunk limiting beliefs and set people free!


     So what words do you speak to yourself and others?  Are they words of life or words of death?  Are you building up or tearing down?  What words do you listen to everyday, and how are you being affected?    What talk should you turn off and avoid?  What talk needs to be shut down in your home or business?  Who do you know that encourages you, and how can you speak more like them? 


     These are tough questions.  I encourage you to replace your cynicism, criticism and pessimism with realistic encouragement and optimism.   You have the power within your mouth to change lives for the better, or for the worse!  Own your words.



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