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Dave Beam

My Morning Coffee

I really enjoy my morning coffee. It is a simple pleasure that I joyfully anticipate at the beginning of each day. My satisfaction begins with the purring of the coffee machine and the steamy hint of java in the air. Once the cup is full, I provide a quick stir and take my cup into my quiet place. Once seated in my easy chair, I slowly take the first sip, and begin the day.

This small pleasure is more than the coffee, the sweetened cream, and the little lift from the caffeine. It is this special time of preparation that starts each day. It includes devotional reading, a meditation in the Scriptures, prayer, and reflection on the opportunities that will present themselves over the coming hours. It is a time of reflection, refreshment, renewal, and preparation. Often after the last sip I step onto my elliptical trainer and invest 30 minutes in physically moving while listening to some music or an interesting educational program.

This simple routine built around my morning cup of coffee is a most wonderful way to begin the day.

How do you start your day?

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