“Ideally, what would you really like to achieve as a leader in your organization?”
It’s a question that I have asked hundreds of organizational and business leaders over the last many years. It’s not an easy question to answer. Many people are so beat down by their environment and people around them, they have caved to limiting beliefs and settled into a mediocre attitude of survival. My advice to you, if you are there and want to stay there, is this; leave that position and pursue another path. Organizational leadership is far too demanding to just want to get by and survive. You would be better off offering your personal skill, something you enjoy doing, to another leader and let them deal with all the myriad of responsibility that goes with organizational leadership.
However, if you are ready to break out of mediocrity and continue to lead, there is an alternative! You can learn to lead a fun, amazing, and successful organization. The first step is to get clear on what you REALLY want. Write it down. Don’t hold back. And then ask this next question.
“Is that POSSIBLE?”
If it is POSSIBLE, then ask question one again. “Ideally, what would you REALLY love to achieve and create in this organization?” What difference would you like to make in your own life and family, in your team, in your community, and for those you serve. Is that POSSIBLE? Take time to get crystal clear on what you believe is POSSIBLE.
Once you are clear on what is POSSIBLE, then ask this most interesting question. “Is it LIKELY that we will achieve that?” Initially, you may say that though it is POSSIBLE, it is not “LIKELY” that it will happen. However, this final question can change your life and organization. “What would it take to make this POSSIBILITY LIKELY?”
I leave you with an offer to have a conversation with me. It is possible for us to talk. Is it likely?