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Dave Beam

I'm Overwhelmed

Successful people typically have more to do than time to do it. However, the thought “I need more time” is ineffective, useless, and paralyzing. The truth is you have all the time there is. 24 hours a day. No more, no less. When you say, “I need more time” or “I don’t have enough time for that”, you lie to yourself and put yourself in a no-win situation.

Since lack of time is not the source of overwhelm, what is? It is lack of clarity. You are not clear on what is most important. If a loved one is suffering and needs your assistance, you have a clear priority. Your time management overwhelm problem disappears. You drop everything else and help them. When you have a clear priority, time is no longer an issue. You do what is most important.

When you begin to sense overwhelm and feel that you don’t have enough time, the question to ask is “What is most important?” Avoid this question and you will continue to struggle. Answer this question and you will be set free.

As a coach, I help people clarify their priorities. The driving force behind clarifying priorities is core values. What matters most? What are the non-negotiable values in your organization and life? When you are clear on your core values, then you can choose to do what is most aligned with those values and say NO to what is not.

Defining your values and setting priorities will solve your time management problem. Overwhelm will disappear and you can move forward.

Clarity + Action = Results.

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