Many writers, including writers of the Holy Bible, have compared this life to a race. I have been reflecting lately, specifically considering all of the blessings and gifts that have been poured into my life. If you haven’t counted your blessings recently, I highly recommend it. There is another thought that comes with gratitude. It is one of accountability and responsibility. I am convinced that I will stand before my Creator and give an account for all that has been committed to my care. As I consider finishing my race on earth, what have I done to leverage, multiply and maximize the return on the investment of all the gifts I’ve been given? It is a question of stewardship.
I want to finish well! I am determined to finish the race not just barely crawling across the finish line but running full speed in victory! That is my hope, passion, and intention; to be a faithful and wise steward with all that has been entrusted to my care.
So what have you been given, and what are you doing with it? Are you maximizing and leveraging the valuable opportunities, relationships and talents that you have been given? How are you taking care of your physical body and health? How about your financial life? How about the relationships in your family, community, customers, employees and workplace? These are important bottom line questions that we all must answer.
I have decided that to finish well, I need to be intentional about planning the race. And the planning needs to begin with the end in mind. It starts by using my wonderful creative mind to envision and dream of an ideal future. It is thinking and forming thought about the future. All that has ever been created in this world was first conceived in someone’s mind. What are you creating in your mind, based on the resources, gifts, talents, and people that you have been given?
I am challenging you to come apart from the urgency of this life to think, plan, and consider the better possibilities. Dare to think big. What might be possible? What could you do if you really planned it and pursued it? I want to finish my race well. I have decided that good is not good enough. Mediocrity is not an option. Lukewarm is nauseating. Excellence, success, and finishing triumphant is the only way to go! It begins with a dream, then a commitment, then a plan, and finally taking action. Want to go for it? I would love to help you finish your race well! Give me a call.