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Dave Beam

Confidence. Most of us recognize it in others, and sense it when we have it or not. It comes from a root word that means to fully trust. The word “confide” means that you fully entrust information to another person because you trust that they will keep the information confidential. The word confidence is derived from the Latin word confidere, “con” which means “completely”, and “fidere” which means “to trust”.

A confident person is an assured person. They have an inner stance that expresses itself in calmness. Confident leaders inspire and transfer confidence in their vision to others. Confident salespeople communicate their confidence in the value of their product to the customer. A confident communicator connects with their audience because they are not insecure and self-focused.

What are some key ingredients that produce confidence?

One is preparation. A prepared person is a confident person. Preparation includes things like practice and visualization. Conscious actions are driven by subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and identity. If you can see yourself succeeding, you are more likely to succeed. Every time you practice something, you see yourself successfully executing the task.

Another ingredient of confidence is humility. A humble person is confident because they are honest and transparent. They are not hiding themselves. If they can answer a question, they do so with confidence. If they are unsure of an answer, they say that they are not sure, but share what they do know. Their focus is serving, not impressing others.

A third ingredient of confidence is establishing core values that create clear boundaries. When you know who you are and where you are going, what you will do, and what you won’t do, you will demonstrate confidence. People who lack the anchor of core values lack stability. They have no solid foundation to hold them up. They are typically driven by a desire to please others, and consequently are fickle. Such people lack consistency. Therefore, others lack confidence in them.

Finally, keeping the promises you make to yourself strengthens your self-confidence. When you consistently do what you say you will do, you will develop trust and confidence in yourself.

Often people engage my services to help them increase their confidence. Through listening, conversation and accountability, I help people discover and develop their skills, core values, and identity, which are all key components of confidence. Whenever you are ready, I am confident that I can help you!

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