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Dave Beam

Clarity Plus Action Equals Results


CLARITY + ACTION = RESULTS.  Think carefully about this principle. 


     Now, consider this related principle.  20% of activity produces 80% of the results. 


     Based on these two principles, I challenge you to run this experiment.


·         First, think about the most challenging issue in your business or life that you would like to address and write it down. 

·         Second, make a list of all the specific actions you could take to address that issue. 

·         Third, choose the ten most likely specific actions, that, if taken, would likely create the desired result.  Understand that two of those ten specific actions will produce 80% of the desired result….so…... 

·         Fourth, choose two specific activities from that list of ten, that if practiced, would create the greatest effect and movement toward that desired change.  If you are having a challenge choosing, consider the ones that you are avoiding as the most likely candidates. 

     Finally, starting immediately, practice those two activities consistently and measure the change as you learn and grow.


     It’s simple.  It’s clear.  Will you do it?


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