Work is a four-letter word. But so is love. Question. Where would you be today in your dreams, pursuits and goals if you didn’t treat work like a four-letter word?
The prevalent trend is that hard work is the enemy. Sweat, toil, effort, and perseverance are a bit out of vogue. Brutal fact. Nothing proactive happens until someone acts. Certainly there is a time to plan, to consider, to dream, to relax, and to recharge. I realize there are workaholics that can’t seem to ever stop and smell the roses.
But what is on the table for your consideration is that sheer laziness and lack of hard work causes much disappointment and failure. That’s old school, but it is true.
Where would you be today if you had just kept working hard and didn’t give up?
Ok, coach Dave. Enough of the guilt trip about my laziness and sloth! How do I overcome laziness? What do I do when I just don’t feel like working?
First, get clear about what you really want, and then get up and go for it with all your might. Establish a disciplined routine that will take you toward your desired outcome. Hire a coach that will help you find that clarity, and then encourage you to keep going when you want to slack.
People are not worn out by hard work. They are worn out by a lack of completion. It is when you lose sight of the finish line and are no longer working with purpose that you become tired, exhausted, and depressed.
The best way to overcome lethargy, depression, and tiredness is not a leisurely vacation. It is to get moving, serving and sweating. Plan a vacation as a rest and reward for a job well done.
Let the work begin!!