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Dave Beam

What Would You Do If You Could Not Fail?


“What would you do if you could not fail?”  First, answer this question and then proceed.


     Years ago, I learned an interesting lesson; “The only failure is the failure to participate”.  Failure is just an interpretation of events.  Some interpret a mistake as a failure.  But are mistakes failure?  Here’s a thought people have about failure.  “I would try to do ________, but I’m afraid I would fail.”  What if this thought is just a myth?  What if the so-called fear of failure is just an imagined monster living in your closet?  The truth is that the fear of failure is not real.  It is a created story and thoughts about how you would feel if you don’t succeed.


     Here’s the truth.  When you make mistakes, you only fail if you define that mistake as a failure and quit participating.  You continue to learn and succeed by regrouping and trying a different approach.  And even if you quit along the way, you have likely learned several lessons.  A child learns to walk by falling, over and over again.  Mistakes not failures.  They are an essential part of learning.  The path to success is paved with stones of mistakes.  If you stay committed to full participation and perseverance, it is impossible to fail.  Action and participation banish the fear of failure.  When you embrace the full process of learning, which includes mistakes, then the fear of failure disappears. 


     Perhaps what you really fear is appearing awkward, unsophisticated, ignorant, or weak to other people.  Maybe you want to keep up the illusion of competence.  This is yet another limiting thought, the fear of what others think of me.  What others think about you is really none of your business.  The truth is most people really don’t think much about you and your projects.  You can choose to drop all concern about what others think of you and your performance. 


   Here is the point.  If you want to do something, do it.  Commit to full participation, and then get into action.  You might not reach your goal.  You will make some mistakes.  You will certainly have opportunities to laugh at yourself.  Who knows?  You might even create amazing success.  The only way to find out is to participate.  Choose to create a new adventure today, leave your fears and stories behind, and have some fun. 


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