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Financial Problem or Math Puzzle?

Dave Beam

Many people have financial worries and fears. Perhaps there is not enough paycheck at the end of the week. Bill collectors keep calling. Revenue is down. Credit is maxed. The operating account is going red. Unpaid taxes. Unpaid vendors. Non-paying customers. Employees that want a raise. Customers that want to pay less. Increasing costs. Inflation. Decreasing margins. I have worked as a coach with many people that have financial problems. I have owned my own business for the past twenty years and certainly have had financial challenges. Your situation is not unique.

Right now, I encourage you to open your mind. The lesson that I am about to share will not immediately put money in your operating account. It won’t reduce your debt or increase your profit. However, if you engage this practice, it will liberate you from financial worry, fear, and stress. Such negative emotions are damaging, unnecessary and counterproductive. They don’t help you deal with your financial problems. In fact, they hinder the creative thought needed to solve the problems. There is a way to neutralize these damaging thoughts and feelings. I know you can do this because I’ve done it myself and helped hundreds of other people do it. Here's what you can learn to do.

Shift your mindset from “I have an overwhelming FINANCIAL PROBLEM” to “I have an interesting MATH PUZZLE to solve.”

This is the PROBLEM mindset. Most people avoid PROBLEMS. Even when they try to address a PROBLEM, they think of it as negative and depressing. PROBLEMS nag you, hang on you, and pull you down. They are heavy burdens. Financial PROBLEMS feel like terrible overwhelming confusing situations that might destroy you. Therefore, people often deny them, avoid them, and feel unable to deal with them. This PROBLEM mindset leaves you weak, drained, and less likely to prevail.

Now consider the PUZZLE mindset. Though PUZZLES can be challenging, you know there is a solution. A PUZZLE is a game that is won by finding a solution. To solve a puzzle, you need to learn the rules, create potential solutions, and then experiment by taking action. I hope you can you see that your financial PROBLEM is just a math PUZZLE to solve. And the math needed is basic addition and subtraction. As a PUZZLE, your challenge presents an opportunity to have some fun as you try different solutions and figure it out. How can I move from red numbers to black numbers? How can I create more income, reduce cost and increase savings? Money is just numbers. In the words of my coach, Steve Chandler, money is not oxygen. It is just a tool to be used to get something done. It is NOT your life. You didn’t bring any into life, and you won’t take any with you when you die.

I am challenging you to redefine your FINANCIAL PROBLEM as a MATH PUZZLE. How might this new thinking affect the way you deal with finance, money, and business? Do you even believe you can do this?

You most certainly can. It is not your situation, but the thought about your situation that is causing the fear and stress. These low energy emotions are counterproductive and unnecessary. Find someone to help you change your thinking. That will change your feelings. That will change your actions. And that will change your outcome. Ready?

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