Will you be an owner or a victim? Live life or merely exist? Get everything from it, or just get through it? Will you be proactive or reactive? Drift or sail? Grow or die?
It’s your choice.
I invite you to fully live life this year. To awaken, look, and grab the opportunities that are all around, and then create something amazing! See every challenge as the raw material for your next project.
I call you to get up and move. Respond. Commit to passionate engagement and participation. Reject mediocrity and press upward to excellence. See it, count the cost, and then go for it!
I urge you to embrace this wonderful, amazing, challenging, uncomfortable, stimulating, inspiring, unpredictable, abundant, gratitude filled experience called life.
Life is a precious gift. Use it.
Life is brief. Don’t miss it.
Seize it. Open it. Embrace it. Taste it. Love it. Experience it. It’s the dawn of a New Year, and a new day. Before you is the blank page of the next chapter in your book. What will your write?
The time is now. To grow. To give. To learn. To love. To live. To laugh. To fall. To fail, and even hurt!
Catch it. Engage. Wrestle. Dance. Prance. Enjoy. Be thankful for each second.
Happy New Year!
What I will do this year is thank my savior now.