What happens to you and around you are mostly out of your control. You do have some influence on outcomes based on your choices and actions, however, think about it. You didn’t choose your birth circumstance, and likely will not choose your death. And everything in between is a series of happenings that you influence, but don’t control.
Things that happen that we wouldn’t choose we call problems. Difficulties, troubles, dilemmas and obstacles. You can’t eliminate problems, but you can choose your response to problems. Based on your response, problems will either help you or harm you. If you view a problem as a challenge to be addressed, then that problem becomes a game to win. The question becomes, “Given my current challenge, how do I win?” You can now direct your energy and attention on solving that problem instead of wasting attention and energy wishing you didn’t have that problem. Through focused choice, you move your energy from worry and anxiety to creative focused effort as you reframe the problem as a challenge. A challenge calls us to get better, to step up, to go for it.
The opportunity is always to see a problem as a challenge that can help you grow, even if you can’t achieve the desired change of circumstance.
One final thought. The most valuable insight that I receive from my problems is this: There is One who is completely powerful and in control of everything. He is the great God and Creator of the universe. He is merciful and kind and, if I seek Him, will help me deal with my problems in a way that will bring me good and bring Him glory. Your problems are a call to ask your Creator for help. When a problem humbles us and brings us to Him, then the real opportunities for significant change begin to unfold.